
If you want to stay updated about this game's development, there's a discord server where you can learn about the game and get to know people!

Default Input Configuration

Action P1 Controls P2 Controls Gamepad
Movement/Selection WASD Arrow Keys Left Stick
Normal/Select R N A
Special/Cancel T M B
Jump Y B Y
Burst V U X
Pause Space Space Start



Left and Right: to go in each respective direction, walking away from the opponent is slower than walking forwards

Jump: Jump is a separate button from the movement buttons. Characters generally have 2 jumps.

Dash: By double tapping in the left or right direction, you will preform a dash. Each character's roll is unique, but has an invincible and vulnerable period.

Flux: By pressing Jump and a direction at the same time, you will flux in that direction. Momentum will also carry with attacks


Blocking: by holding the direction opposite to your opponent, you can block attacks. Blocking attacks will take away your Guard meter (green orb near the timer), and when it hits 0, you will be guard broken and will bet counter hit. you are also unable to block until you regenerate some Guard meter. Blocking while crouching will stop your momentum

Parries: By pressing both Jump and Burst as the opponent lands an attack, you can parry their attack. Parrying attacks will freeze the opponent for a little bit, allowing you to counter hit them. Additionally, it will give you Zenith meter, Guard meter, and heal you.

Burst: By pressing the Burst button when neither player is damaged or if you are damaged, your character will jump in the air invincibly,  and push the opponent away. This doesn't have infinite range, so be careful.  If you press Burst while neither player is damaged, you will perform a Gold Burst. if you land a Gold Burst, you gain full meter, and a character specific buff. If you press Burst why you are damaged, it is called a Red Burst

Guard Burst: By pressing the Burst button when you are blocking, you will Guard Burst, sending the opponent away.


Combo Rules: When hit, a character is sent into the air and can only preform one type of action until they hit the ground: Burst. If a player choses not to Burst out of a combo, they cannot act until their character reaches the ground. Each hit in a combo also lowers the effectiveness of how high an attack can push, although some attacks ignore this.

Cancel Rules: Actions can be canceled after they hit, and after the hitbox disappears. Actions cannot cancel into themselves. Normals can cancel into Normals, Jump, Special, or Zenith Finisher. Specials can only cancel into Zenith Finisher

EX moves: By doing a special input, Special moves can become powered up, costing 25% to 50% of your Zenith meter.

Zenith Finishers: By preforming a quarter circle forward, a character will use their Zenith Finisher, costing 50% of your Zenith Meter, and usually doing a lot of damage. All Zenith Finishers have a hitbox on frame 1, and many have the invincibility property.

Momentum: Actions retain momentum from when the action was inputted. Aerial attacks retain much more momentum because there is no ground resistance.

Reverb: By pressing Burst while the opponent is damaged, you will preform a Reverb, which pulls the opponent towards you, allowing you to extend a combo if you pushed the opponent too far away.

Round Rules

Beginning of a Round: Players are free to move around, but not use attacks for 3 seconds, then the round begins and players are free to fight

End of a Round: Obtained when either player goes down to 0 HP, or the time runs out.

K.O.: If a player is K.O.'d, then the game lets both players touch the floor and end all actions before giving control back the the players. When the next round starts, the winner's Zenith Meter is converted to HP, while the loser regains all of their HP, while their Zenith Meter is converted to Burst. If a player still has 100% of their HP when winning a round, they keep all of their Zenith meter for the next round.

Final Push: When the timer runs out, both players are put in a sudden death match for 5 seconds or until the first combo finishes, The player with the most HP at the end of Final Push wins the round. All hits during Final Push are Counter Hits, and Final Push ends after 5

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Updated 8 days ago
Published 23 days ago
PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS
AuthorObsidian Flower Studio


Sky Cross Duel v1.0.0 (6).zip 148 MB
Sky Cross Duel v1.0.0 (5).zip 232 MB
Sky Cross Duel v1.0.0 (2).html 183 MB
Sky Cross Duel v1.0.2 232 MB
Sky Cross Duel v1.0.2 232 MB

Development log


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good game. nice mechanics, i still havent figured out how to use the ultimate attacks and such. the controls might be a bit hard to understand but you can change them in the menu. overall 8/10

Try playing the tutorial in Extras, or using the Command List menu in the pause menu to look at each character's movelists. thanks for checking this out :D

One thing I really didn't know how to do was how to use the EXmoves

It uses numpad notation, so 28S is up, then down and press special for example. They mostly just take some practice to get right.

Okeyyy thanks